Minnasan, hajimemashite!
Hey hey!! I've relocated from my MSN space thingy....it's actually no wonder....I rarely go there anyway...haha...show how "hardworking" I am in keeping my blog updated...But no worries! I will be more diligent in updating this one...I hope.. cross fingers ...As this is my maiden post, I'll keep it short and save the lengthy stuff for later.....
Kore kara osewani narimasu!
Ja, mata na!
oi... put such a big picture of yourself for what?
promo yourself is it???
looking forward to your blog!
hmmm... that pic is a lil bit TOO BIG. I was like "WHOA... that pic has a 'hi, i'm mei ching' screaming all over it".
Anyway, it's a good thing to start some blog to express ourselves... especially those eccentric ppl... LIKE US, the bloggers, or at times I call myself the BUGGER.
World peace... btw, I like this Jap anime called "One Piece"... Love their expressions. ;)
sorry lah....i'm afraid got blind ppl see my blog mah....too small can't see my face wor...so i put BIG BIG lah....
yeah...hope u guys won't mind my ranting and nonsense comments
Stardust shimmers out
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