Clan Gathering Part II
At 7.30pm, everyone met at Penang Swimming Club amid much fanfare (by us, of course. The other guests were very quiet. They are normal.) I bet the restaurant had a premonition, as they put us in a little corner away from the main crowd. But, of course, their best efforts were ALL IN VAIN!!! Mwahahahahaah….
Right, back to the narration. We took up 3 tables, and the food came in this order:
- 4 seasons cold dishes
- Sharks’ fin soup (tang hoon actually, no sharks were harmed in this process)
- Duck (Chicken for one table)
- Spicy Prawns
- Steamed Siakap
- Broccoli with mushroom
- Fried Rice in Lotus leaves
- Dessert : Mango pudding
In between mouthfuls, various degrees of noise, hyena-like laughs and not-so-hyena-like laughs floated from the tables. To the main event: (drum roll) THE LUCKY DRAW!!
We had our very own MC: Amy Wong *applause* with her hilarious cheng ju yi (Canto: your attention please). Her voice was shrilly (think hiau po) and her butt bopped from side to side when she walked. I’m pretty sure the neighboring tables were stifling their laughter and watching on in amusement. We just laughed out loud….All in the name of good fun! Clan gathering would be so boring without wackos.
The lucky draw went like this: Ellina, Chee Keen and yours truly cut the paper, wrote the names and dumped it all into a bowl. This was all done unbiased and was QC-ed by the donator of the prize (ie Auntie Sin). All those who were present had one vote each, and Auntie Fong’s and Szu Ping’s name were in the bowl as well.
Rules are dead simple:
- If your name gets drawn, u DO NOT get the prize.
- Person who’s name gets drawn, draws the next name.
- It goes on and on and on until…..
- Last person’s name in the bowl WINS!!
Unfortunately, the game got a bit long (what to do? Total of more than 30 names in the bowl). So halfway through, my Dad (Chee Weng) decided that we would draw the last 3 names and the final name of the 3 drawn will win the fancie-blankie.
So, finally, teng teng teng teng…… the last name was…………………………………ELLINA WONG!!!
So it ended with a group picture in the carpark and great memories. Hope u enjoyed me using up so much of your time to read this long-winded story!

<- Group Picture (not everyone is in as some are camera-shy). *cough*yeah, right!*cough*