Thursday, November 09, 2006

luco_millian Art Showcase

I chanced upon this artist's work the other day..and all I can say is... WOW!! Is it possible to fall in love with someone's artwork? I know I'm TOTALLY and UNDENIABLY in love with the artwork seen here! I'd soooo buy all those plushies!! I WANT THOSE PLUSHIES!!! *SQUEEEEEE*

Here's a short description of the artist:

Screenname: luco_millian
Gender: I'm not sure...I can't find any clue but I'm guessing luco_millian is a SHE
Location: Canada
Age: 22
DeviantArt: Meek-o-bits

And now...on to the good stuff! Enjoy, with my best compliments:

Left to right, top to bottom: Sanji, Zoro, Auron, Cloud, Vincent, Sephiroth, and Reno

Non-plushie artwork titled "Mermuse"

Beautiful, isn't it?
Hope you enjoyed the preview...I'll be uploading more beautiful artwork from this artist in due time.

Disclamer: These files are NOT for download without permission. Please get permission from the original artist before taking these pictures. And please give proper credit should you use these pictures.

Monday, November 06, 2006

I ain't no stereotype!

What stereotype do you belong to?
Your Result: No stereotype

not preppy yet not a complete loser. has good friends and doesn't revolve life around their looks or social status. All around good person. usually liked by everyone

What stereotype do you belong to?