Revenge of the relatives

Sighs......After a full day of playing gin rummy at my house yesterday, my relatives are back today for revenge!! So, more time for me to write this post and have lots of fun jumping from each relatives' place to check out their tiles ove their shoulders....and in the process, make some undetectable hints for my Dad to see....wakakakakaka...nah, i'm not that much of a cheater....i'll let the older generation have their fun...
Do u realize that elderly ppl tend to become senile faster if they don't do work or have some isn't it nice if they can flex their grey matter playing mahjong and stuff? No, REALLY! Have u played mahjong before? It requires a LOT of brain power to outwit the other 3 players...So, for the mental health of the elderly citizens, we should encourage them to play mahjong when they're free!!! YAY!!! Mahjong BANZAI!! ~Long live mahjong~
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