Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Kore wa na...hen na yume da

Konbanwa, minnasan!

I’m actually a few days late in updating this. Hopefully I still remember how the dream went. So, I had this seriously whacked out dream on Saturday night. Why? I have no idea. I shall just chalk this up to my hyperactive imagination.

It started of fairly decently. I was going to have a pool party at this HUMONGOUS mansion. Whom does the mansion belong to? Your guess is as good as mine. Anyhow, there I was, sitting nicely at my writing desk in my room with an open window in front of me. Romping around in the garden were my two tigers, Ashura and Yuki. Ashura is, well, your usual Asian tiger with a grumpy attitude. Yuki is a white Bengal tiger that’s playful and likes to pounce on people and lick them. On the writing desk was a stack of invitation cards. The card itself was black with silver and gold decorations.

[Brain yells: CUT! Ok, next seen! Aaaaand…. ACTION!]

So the food is all prepared properly on a long table set up near the pool. The music’s on and the bubbles are bubbling away in the jacuzzi. I’m just putting the finishing touches on the decorations and making sure the bar is well-stocked. Of course, there’s the customary hot hunk of a bartender there as well. He’s dressed in an ancient Greek sort of costume. At least, I think it’s ancient Greek. It’s all white and made from a single piece of cloth. Sleeveless (showing off perfectly toned arms), plunging neckline (nice chest!) and a bottom that sort of ends in a short skirt (showing off wonderfully well-muscled legs and just a hint of a nice, perky butt) with sandals.

[CUT! Stop drooling over the bartender guy. Actually, this part is rather PG-18]

This next part is rather choppy. Think of a doorbell ringing, the front door opening and different people appearing with different costume. And repeat. On loop. OK, doorbell rings, front door opens, Stef appears dressed as an apple, holding a bottle of Mondavi (the ultimate double sin!). Next, Pauline appears in her dinner dress she bought for Chia Yee’s sister’s wedding dinner (but oddly enough, she had a tail). Then, Chia Yee and Bin Bin appeared in identical angel get-ups (black suits with cool shades, wings on the back and a halo above their heads). *ding dong* Yen Ling appears in a yellow rubber ducky costume. Doreen dressed as a schoolgirl (no, not the Malaysian kind…the naughty Japanese/US kind). Huan Lin came as a pro wrestler kind of thing (think Nacho Libre). *door opens* Jit Sheng in a lion get-up, complete with long, luscious mane (*braids said luscious mane*). Hannah came as a gothic lolita rock chick. Mike flashed by (as a camera).
The next doorbell just happened to be my alarm.

Now, I’d be REALLY grateful if anyone could tell me the whole point of this dream.

Sore ja, oyasumi nasai!

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Blogger Unknown said...


your imagination is in overdrive as usual

the male bartender with plunging neckline is really so wrong. very. very. wrong. >_<"

i sputtered at some parts of the friends appearances. lol.

8:09 PM  

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